Mylor Yacht Harbour

Apprentice update from Mylor Yacht Harbour

Our Shipwright apprentice Alex has been working on fitting a new transom to a 9.5m classic motor cruiser under the careful guidance of Mylor’s Lead Shipwright, Mark Curnow.

Alex is studying boat building at Falmouth Marine School and has been working within our Marine Team since September 2022 and doing a fantastic job.

We currently have three apprentices working across several of our marine service departments to include engineering, electrical and shipwrights.

“We have worked closely with Falmouth Marine School for many years and have benefited from employing students who have studied their engineering, electrical and boat building courses. We look forward to continuing this relationship, creating opportunities for those looking to enter the industry, developing skills collaboratively and ultimately encouraging people to stay and work in Cornwall.”

Commented Mylor’s engineering manager, Nathan Percival.

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