With a Dry Berthing package, your boat is safely stored ashore in the boatyard when not in use. Upon your request we will launch the boat and berth her on the marina ready for collection. Once afloat, you can either stay on the marina, going out for day trips and making the most of the local area or head off on a cruise.
When you have finished with the boat, leave it with us and we will lift out, washdown and store it back in the boatyard.
Dry berthed boats don’t need to be antifouled, will see reduced corrosion on props, legs and drives and reduced wear and tear from lines and fenders.
Take a look at our Services and Charges or speak to a member of the Mylor team to find out more.
A dry berthing contract offers on demand launching all year round and includes a set number of lift ‘cycles’. A lift cycle consists of a launch, haul out and pressure wash, and the number of cycles included in each dry berthing package are:
Vessels without a trailer (in cradles or on stands) – 6 lift cycles
Vessels stored on a road trailer – 10 lift cycles
Additional lift cycles may be purchased on request. For launching, please give us a minimum of 48 hours notice to ensure we can get your boat in the water ready for you.